Sunday, October 30, 2016

Polaris J28

Goodbye Polaris J28, we met 10 years ago on a trip out on the Salish Sea.  With one of my first photos on the water you gave a perfect breach! Thank you Polaris for your inspiration and giving an experience I will never forget. Gone too young a mum and her son, to think your daughter Star J46 tried to save you by feeding you salmon. I hope your story inspires the world and its leaders to finally stand up, protect, and take action!

The Center for Whale Research reported that she grew progressively emaciated for the past several months until she disappeared from her family group around October 19. Polaris was only 24 years old, female orcas live on average for fifty years. Her son Dipper J54, born last December was still nursing and can not survive without her. The endangered southern residents now only have 80 members. Main threats include decline in salmon, vessel noise and traffic, and chemical contamination. Protecting Chinook salmon runs and river beds is an important action in conserving this declining population. 

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